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Showing posts from March, 2013

The Soul, The Destiny & The Exertion

By Swami Nikhilananda  Sri Ramakrishna Centre, New York, USA. The Vedanta philosophy discusses the  nature of the soul from two standpoints : 1 . Absolute or transcendental and 2. Relative or phenomenal.  From the absolute standpoint, the soul is non-dual, immortal, ever pure, ever free, ever illumined, and one with Brahman. It is untouched by hunger or thirst, good and evil, pain and pleasure, birth and death, and the other pairs of opposites. That is the soul's true nature. The realisation of which is the goal of a man's spiritual aspiration and striving. From this absolute standpoint, the soul is called PARAMATMA or Supreme Soul. But from the relative standpoint, the Vedanta philosophy admits the existence of a multitude of individual souls called JIVATMAS, and distinguishes them from the Supreme Soul. Attached to the body, the individual soul is a victim of the pairs of the opposites. Entangled in the world, it seeks deliverance from the eternal roun