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Conscience, Truth & Falsehood

Conscience: An Obligation to Truth   We all have a conscience, an inner voice that will not leave us alone. Our conscience is the motivating force that comes as an unrelenting thought and reflects the truthfulness and honesty of our actions. It reminds us of our relationship with ourselves. Of course, there are many times when we are tempted to cheat and carry on as we please but, inevitably, we are unable to deny the truth and must accept responsibility for our actions. By listening to our conscience and following our intuition we can be at peace. Intuition is an instinctive knowing that what we have thought and felt is absolute and correct. Our experiences of pleasure and pain, joy and suffering, are all relative to our ability to listen to our conscience and to follow our intuitive instinct which tells us that we have no choice. We must act according to our conscience. Common sense is the conscience within all of us. Truth and honesty in our relationships with each o


Composition and Structure The word nadi is derived from Sanskrit nad meaning hollow stalk, sound vibration and resonance. Nadis are tubular organs of the subtle body through which energy flows. Nadis are ducts, channels which carry air, water, blood, nutrients and other substances throughout the body. They are our arteries, bronchioles, veins, capillaries and so on. In our so called subtle and spiritual bodies, which cannot be weighed or measured, they channel cosmic, vital, seminal and other energies as well as sensations, consciousness and spiritual aura. From the Atma dwelling in the heart, and the size of a thumb, radiate 101 nadis. From each of these 101 nadis emanate 100 subtler nadis, each of which branches off into another 72,000. They are called different names according to their functions. Nadikas are small nadis and nadichakras are ganglia or plexuses in all three bodies. It is said in the Varahopanisad that the nadis penetrate the body from the soles of the

Chakras & Energy

C(h)akra is a Sanskrit word for 'wheel'. The description is an old one and infers motion, a spinning, especially in three [or more] dimensions.   Major Chakras:  1) Muladhara / Mooladhara / Base / Root:   In the beginning of evolution, the first amoeba-like single cell organisms were formed. Thereafter organisms became more and more complex, with the development of multi-cellular plants and animals and ultimately humankind. The Mooladhara Chakra is made of the earth element and represents the beginning of life. When awakened and nourished, this association with the earth element manifests as a magnetic force within the person. For instance, a person with a strong Mooladhara center has a good inner sense of direction (in more ways than one).  Muladhara chakra is at the coccygeal point at the base of the spine, in the area of segment II of the coccyx (tailbone). This chakra is seated at the base of  filum terminale , a threadlike connective tissue tha