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Self - Atma

From The Teachings of Sri Ramana Maharshi Question : What is Reality? Sri Ramana Maharshi : Reality must be always real. It is not with forms and names. That which underlies these is the Reality. It underlies limitations, being itself limitless. It is not bound. It underlies unrealities, itself being real. Reality is that which is. It is as it is. It transcends speech. It is beyond the expressions ‘existence, non-existence’, etc. The reality which is the mere consciousness that remains when ignorance is destroyed along with knowledge of objects, alone is the Self (Atma). In that Brahma-swarupa (real form of Brahman), which is abundant Self-awareness, there is not the least ignorance. The reality which shines fully, without misery and without a body, not only when the world is known but also when the world is not known, is your real form (nija-swarupa). The radiance of consciousness-bliss, in the form of one awareness shining equally within and without, is the supre

The Reality & Its Nature

In both the Vedic tradition and modern physics, there is a ‘unified field’ theory, which states that every cell of our body is interconnected. Similarly, there is a connection between every life form on this planet. We are not isolated individual beings. For example, there is a connection through the breath and the air we breathe.  In the Vedic culture, systems of personal, global and universal healing were practised. The ancient Vedic rishis and seers were the scientists of their times, and when science has a spiritual bent, it leads to the development of civilisation. They said that one has to live in harmony with the cosmic self, and devised practical ways of avoiding ecological disasters and maintaining the natural balance of the planet and its relationship with the universe. Their vision was that if the tattwas and life forms of the planet are in harmony, that effect spreads throughout the entire universe. They devised certain methods which influenced the personality and t