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Creation & Dissolution

Initial Creation: From The Mahabharata Santi Parva, section CCXXXII.  Vyasa said: Brahma is the effulgent seed from which, existing as it does by itself, has sprung the whole universe consisting of two kinds of being, viz., the mobile and the immobile. At the dawn of His day, waking up, He creates with the help of Avidya this universe. At first springs up that which is called Mahat. That Mahat is speedily transformed into Mind which is the soul of the Manifest. [Note: By Mahat is meant Pure or Subtle intelligence. The Manifest starts into existence from Mind or has Mind for its soul.] Overwhelming the Chit, which is effulgent, with Avidya, Mind creates seven great beings. [Note: These seven great Beings or entities are Mahat, which is speedily transformed into Mind, and the five elemental entities of Space, Fire, Air, Water and Earth.] Urged by the desire of creating, Mind which is far-reaching, which has many courses, and which has desire and d...