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Showing posts from December, 2013


Sri Ramana Maharshi, Sri Ramanasramam Tiruvannamalai, South India. Worship is only self-enquiry 1. The purpose of worshipping the impersonal Supreme Being is never to forget "I am Brahman," (Brahman = the Supreme Reality)because the meditation "I am Brahman" comprises sacrifice, gifts, penance, ritual, yoga, and worship. The only way to overcome any obstruction that may happen to your meditation is to forbid the mind to dwell on it and to introvert the mind into the Self and so witness unconcernedly all that is happening; there is no other method. Do not even for a moment lose sight of the Self. Fixing the mind on the Self or the "I" abiding in the Heart is the perfection of yoga, meditation, wisdom, devotion, japa (repeating one of God’s names or repeating a mantra) and worship. Since the Supreme Being abides as the Self, constant surrender of the mind by absorption in the Self is said to comprise all forms of worship. If only the mind

ॐ (AUM) & Gayatri

ॐ AUM:   According to the science of mantra there are four kinds of sound waves- standing waves, reverberant waves, oscillating waves, and transcendental waves. The mantra AUM produces all of these waves. AUM is a combination of three sounds 'A', 'U' and 'M'. 'A' creates the standing wave, 'U' the reverberant wave, and 'M' the oscillating wave. The fourth wave, being transcendental and beyond the sense of hearing or speech, is created by meditating on AUM in the heart center. When you transcend the external sensory world, you become aware of high frequency waves which have no rest period. Ordinary waves have a rest period. When you chant the mantra Om, it begins and it ends. The beginning and the end are the rest periods for the sound wave. But when you transcend the mind, then you come to a high sound frequency which has no rest period. The first three sound waves belong to the three dimensions of human consciousness and ar


From the Bhagavad Gita It (the self) is not born, and It does not die; nor is it ever that this One having been nonexistent becomes existent again. This One is birthless, eternal, undecaying, ancient; It is not killed when the body is killed. -Gita Ch.2 Verse 20 Of the unreal there is no being; the real has no nonexistence. The nature of both of them, indeed, has been realised by the seers of Truth.  -Gita Ch.2, Shloka 16 As after rejecting (discarding) wornout clothes a man takes up other new ones (clothes), likewise after rejecting wornout bodies the embodied one (soul) duly attains new ones. -Gita Ch.2 Verse 22 Since death of anyone born is certain, and of the dead (re-)birth is a certainty, therefore you ought not to grieve over an inevitable fact. -Gita Ch. 2 Verse 27 From The Teachings of Sri Ramana Maharshi Question: Is reincarnation true? Sri Ramana Maharshi:  Reincarnation exists only so long as there is ignorance. There is really no


From The Mahabharata Santi Parva, Section CLVIII Yudhishthira said: I desire, O bull of Bharata’s race, to hear in detail the source from which sin proceeds and the foundation upon which it rests. Bhishma said: Hear, O King, what the foundation is of sin. Covetousness alone is a great destroyer of merit and goodness. From covetousness proceeds sin. It is from this source that sin and irreligiousness flow, together with great misery. This covetousness is the spring of also all the cunning and hypocrisy in the world. It is covetousness that makes men commit sin. From covetousness proceeds wrath; from covetousness flows lust, and it is from covetousness that loss of judgment, deception, pride, arrogance, and malice, as also vindictiveness, loss of prosperity, loss of virtue, anxiety, and infamy spring. Miserliness, cupidity, desire for every kind of improper act, pride of birth, pride of learning, pride of beauty, pride of wealth, pitilessness for all creatures, malevolence towa